Copy # Clone example
git clone
# Enter directory and install
cd node-uptime/
npm install
# Run asserted tests
npm run test:asrtd
Copy const { expect } = require('chai');
const io = require('');
const util = require('util');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const sleep = util.promisify(setTimeout);
const monitoringClient = io('http://localhost:3000', { forceNew: true });
describe('socketio api tests', () => {
let client;
before((done) => {
monitoringClient.emit('add user', 'monitoring');
monitoringClient.once('connect', () => done());
beforeEach((done) => {
client = io('http://localhost:3000', { forceNew: true });
client.once('connect', () => done());
afterEach(() => {
after(() => {
it('user joined and login', async () => {
const login = sinon.stub();
const joined = sinon.stub();
monitoringClient.once('user joined', joined);
client.once('login', login);
client.emit('add user', 'new-user');
// Admittedly a bit gross to use sleep here, but just wanted something simple.
// The less brittle approach would be to block on a promise until the stubs are called.
await sleep(100);
expect(login.args).to.eql([[{ numUsers: 2 }]]);
expect(joined.args).to.eql([[{ numUsers: 2, username: 'new-user' }]]);
it('user sent message', async () => {
const monitoringMessage = sinon.stub();
const clientMessage = sinon.stub();
monitoringClient.once('new message', monitoringMessage);
client.once('new message', clientMessage);
client.emit('add user', 'new-user');
await sleep(100);
client.emit('new message', 'some-message');
await sleep(100);
expect(monitoringMessage.args).to.eql([[{ message: 'some-message', username: 'new-user' }]]);